Tuesday 13 October 2015


  1. create a Narrative: a Fairy tale reinvented OR modernised OR Subverted  but meeting Film Noir conventions in some way 
  2. Identify who your target audience is and why
  3. what conventions of the genre you will be delivering for example: style, characters, form, codes
  4. construct the plot - in what order and structure will the story unfold for the audience
  5. storyboard your idea in a visual way adding sound/camera angles/action and lighting info
  6. WedS the 14th - plan and refine the ideas - walk through locations and shoot - UPLOAD SHOTS BY THE END OF THE DAY
  7. Thursday the  15th film it as a series of stills in both HY &; MO's lessons - USE COSTUME / PROPS / LIGHTING. P1 HY will go through how to use the studio BUT also use the photography students in the group to help you to do this
You need to find a way to present it
I use Comic life app which enabled me to make it look like a graphic novel - I got a free download from here  http://comic-life.en.softonic.com/
you could use Photoshop or any other presentation process - by next week end of Weds you need to have this uploaded to your blogs

TIPS FOR SUCCESS (TFS) evidencing progress and creativity: keep a PRODUCTION LOG - nominate someone to lead with this - each week record the Facts: what you have done, how, where and why?  Reflective comments: what did you learn, how did you resolve problems, what could you do in the future. Planning: what needs to happen next?
TIPS FOR SUCCESS (TFS)  next steps - this will form your continuity task and so eventually will be a live action acted short film: you must therefore plan to include: 
  • match on action
  • 180 degree rule
  • the set action: a person opens a door, walks through and across the room, sits and exchanges dialogue with another person

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